
There are plenty of page builders for WordPress on the market. Only a few of them are actual site builders. And almost certainly none of them is genuinely built for developers first. And our effort is to fill this gap by creating a site builder that supports developers’ needs!

As a WordPress developer, you are seeking a tool that will help you build a site faster. This is why you are using or going to use visual building tools at all. However, existing products often fail you for many reasons. Most obvious reasons are: 

  • they produce “bloated” content making dozens of nested divs; 
  • they generate too much CSS code, and it is not optimized at all;
  • their settings naming convention does not follow the standard one;
  • some page/site builders still use shortcodes but not raw HTML as their output format, and this locks you in using this specific builder or ends up in the “shortcode hell” after its deactivating.

We are trying to overcome these problems in our site builder called Builderius. Builderius is a site builder that is going to lift developers’ experience to the next level!

Our team consists of developers who have spent years working with various clients. We understand the struggles and pain points of our colleagues in the industry. And we want to help them produce fast and optimized sites efficiently designed by dragging and dropping elements. 

Our primary audiences are freelancers and web agencies who are using site builders for their business needs. It should be easy to create a web site of any complexity and maintain it then.

Our aim is also to teach others of modern web development just by using our software. Initially, Builderius implements CSS Flexbox layout model – a modern way of producing HTML layouts. By using our site builder, you will be learning about this advanced technology. We are going to add support for more CSS layout models (Grid, Columns) by creating related settings inside the builder. Another example of a modern tech is GraphQL. Builderius supports GraphQL from day one for performance reasons. The users of the builder are writing queries to DB in GraphQL syntax, so that they learn how to do that and step by step they are getting used to it. Really, it even easier then writing queries for WP_Query! And the knowledge of GraphQL syntax could be applied in other systems.

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We are thrilled to present the beta release of the new and reimagined Builderius 1.0. While the core vision of Builderius remains the same — an ultimate Visual Development Environment that removes limitations imposed by majority of visual development tools — the new Builderius is fully focused on enhancing user experience, improving workflow, and lowering the learning curve ... and so much more. 🥳

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