Learn GraphQL for WordPress - Mini Course

Notice: Video series is embeded on the bottom of this page.
In “Mastering GraphQL with WordPress” mini course, we provide video tutorials that guide you from zero to intermediate skill level to use GraphQL in order to fetch data and use it inside the Builderius Visual Builder. In the course we use a special flavor of GraphQL that improves the workflow with GraphQL in the framework of WordPress but course can be useful for general GraphQL use as well with some caveats.
Who is this course for?
- Novice to intermediate WordPress developer with basic PHP skills, on lookout for better workflow
- Advanced WordPress website builders user, such as Oxygen Builder or Bricks Builder looking for more flexibility and power when working with Dynamic Data
- Front-end developers looking to work with WordPress but keeping the JavaScript mental models and workflows
- Advanced builders user looking for a workflow in which custom coded solutions can be done within the builder
- WordPress developers looking for a single solution to work dynamic data across domains, REST API, JSON, WordPress Database and more
- Curious individuals that appreciate new and powerful technologies
Why GraphQL in a Builder and/or in WordPress
Builderius website builder believes in separation of concerns and data agnostic approach when it comes to development. Ultimately this provides you with more flexibility as to what data you can use, and how you can design using this data. Additionally it represents the workflow improvements with regards to visual builders, no code and low code tools as it provides you with the full power of GraphQL when ever you need it inside of the builder. While it may be easier to use a simple query builder tool available in some builders they are no match to GraphQL when it comes to accessing data and bending it to your will, all inside the builder.
Ultimately GraphQL will allow you to see and understand your WordPress data like never before, as it allows you handle all your data needs in a single place, in a convenient, highly readable and consistent format – making you a more capable developer.
Why Learn GraphQL, When Builderius Itself is Working on a Visual (GraphQL) Powered, Visual Query Builder?
GraphQL is universally used across the modern web technologies, including WordPress albeit in Headless Development context. Learning GraphQL will not only make you more knowledgeable about modern development techniques but will also allow you to use and understand our visual query builder better and it will make you capable of going further then the visual builder can provide.